Sabi gold releases statement on fatal accident

Sabi gold mine

Sabi Gold Mine has released a statement on the fatal accident that claimed the life of hoisting assistant, Kudzai Tivukai.

In a statement, the Mine Manager Mr E.Nhende said Tivukai was dragged onto a moving conveyor belt leading to fatal injuries.

“Sabi Gold Mine is deeply saddened to confirm a mine fatality incident that occurred at the company’s loading station.

“It is with regret that on the 4th of August 2022, at 1950hrs, Kudzai Tivukai, a Hoisting Assistant was operating 39 Box when his hand was trapped between the moving conveyor belt and tail pulley, resulting in his body being dragged into the moving conveyor belt and he sustained fatal injuries.

“Investigations are still underway with the assistance of statutory stakeholders and a full report will be produced in due course,” read the statement in part.

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Nhende expressed sadness and sympathy to the Tivukai and Sabi gold family.

“It is indeed a difficult time for the whole Sabi Gold Mine family. Our sincere condolences go to the family, colleagues and friends of the deceased,” Nhende concluded.

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