Sanyati miners propose USD1500 RDC tax

Chiedza Chipangura

Yesterday Kadoma Miners Association and other miners operating in Sanyati District proposed USD 1500 in local authority levies, at the Sanyati Rural District Council budget consultations in Kadoma.

The council was proposing for the miners to pay USD 11 000 annually per unit, the Rural Councils Act defines a unit as an operation employing between 5 and 100 workers, thereafter every 50 people make another unit.

Sanyati Rural District Council did not clearly differentiate artisanal miners from large scale miners, the council proposed to levy artisanal miners at the same rate as miners.

Small-scale and artisanal miners (ASM) who attended the council meeting pointed out that the council was charging from thin air for the sake of meeting their financial obligations without taking into consideration how miners operate.

According to Zimbabwe Miners Federation ZMF) Mashonaland West province Chairperson Ms. Chiedza Chipangura, the council was not considering levying other miners in the area other than gold miners and have no database of miners operating in the area.

“Focus was just on gold miners only, the council was not aware of any base mineral miners in their area of jurisdiction therefore they had no proposal at hand for other minerals,” Chipangura said.

Council levies are used for, servicing of roads, construction of clinics, procurement of automated water browser, tipper truck.

The council has leasing facilities for tipper trucks, TLB and tractors which miners can hire at fees way lower than the private players.

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Council has plots, business and residential stands for sale. Miners can register on the waiting list to be considered for investing in the same.

Other levies for rural district councils

USD24 000 for Chaminuka Rural District Council, USD 10 000 for Pfura RDC, in Chegutu its USD 1137.64 and in Ngezi USD 6000 per annum.

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