23.8 C

Breaking: Shots fired at Jumbo mine


Shots were fired yesterday at Jumbo, Metalon Mine which is now a hotspot for artisanal miners looking for a quick buck.

Our source said they were digging for gold and could not hide their happiness and some colleagues shouted they had stuck lots of gold. This attracted attention from an interested buyer who offered to buy from them.

In no time a Mercedes Benz pulled up on them started shooting and our source and his friends bolted. “Handizivi chakasara chichiitika but takamhanya” (I don’t know what happened after but we ran for it).

The place is a magnet for the criminal “Mashurugwi gangs” who masquerade as miners with the intention of robbing unsuspecting victims usually at machete point.

Former mine authorities and security are reportedly charging US$15 per head to allow the illegal gold miners into the mineshafts during the night.

lt is said they rake up to US$1 500 per night through the practice.

Mazowe Mine is one of the oldest mines in Zimbabwe, and exploration and development in this region dates back to 1890, with over 1.4 million ounces of gold produced to date. Mazowe Mine comprises two underground operations, Mazowe and the BSV sections. The mine has a total of 247 claims over 2,939 hectares of landholding. Ore is processed in a single plant which consists of conventional crushing and milling and a carbon-in-leach facility.


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