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Solar energy companies WAKE UP!!!


From the 17th to the 19th all roads headed towards Bulawayo to witness Zimbabwe’s biggest Mining, Engineering and Transport export (Mine Entra) where many companies exhibited to boost their brand visibility and product promotion. However, no company trading solar energy Exhibited or even advertised in Industry magazines available at the Apex event which is always graced by thousands of key industry buyers, miners alike looking for services and solutions every year.

Rudairo Dickson Mapuranga

With Zimbabwe currently experiencing gruelling power cuts, solar power has all it takes to relieve many industries of a potentially crippling. Mines like Venice Mine have an impressive solar farm and their production have not been affected by the current power shortage Zimbabwe is experiencing.

Nevertheless, not all companies and organisations recognise that it is cheaper to invest in solar energy than other forms of power because they do not have the technical know-how, therefore, it was of paramount importance that solar companies took this product this market that will likely not hesitate to invest in-order to get undisrupted operations.

With so many in solar energy business, the economy is looking for the potential of those firms to grow to remove over dependability on hydro and thermal power. It was therefore of paramount importance for companies in the solar energy business to advertise and or exhibit at the country’s biggest mining expo for greater visibility in Zimbabwe’s richest industry.

Many companies were reported to have withdrawn from exhibiting at siting shortage of funds, and some are still adjusting to the recently implemented Statutory Instrument 142 which outlawed local foreign currency transactions among other reasons, however, it is important to note that exhibiting at such an event which is one of the biggest in Southern Africa is so crucial and important for the growth of solar energy consumption in Zimbabwe boosting sales.

The futuristic philosopher Alvin Toffler once wrote, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

Exhibitions are organised as a way of promoting a company or firm to vibrantly step into another level of trading for them to boost sales and thrive.

An exhibition like advertising, therefore, becomes a crucial factor for every company. Advertising is of paramount importance given that the company endeavours to grow to grow or maintain it’s status quo, therefore, a budget must be always be reserved despite the company’s performances.

One advertising guru Jerry Della Femina once said “There is a great deal of advertising that is much better than the product. When that happens, all that the good advertising will do is put you out of business faster.”

Which means that advertising a product is very essential in this information society era we are living in now, people live and become successful through an unlimited consumption of information, hence products that disseminate more information means more consumption much attention.

It is of great concern that marketers are sleeping on the job that has the potential to rake in millions and create much-needed employment and keep the industry running.

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