Soldiers, Police arrested for robbing miners


Two soldiers and a husband to a police officer were arrested for extortion and corruption.

Valentine Mutswiti (26), Cuthbert Mutori (22) and Kudakwashe Chivanga (33) were arrested at Spilanzima Shopping Centre in Doughladale, Bulawayo with the fourth accused Nokuthula Sibanda (32) still at large.

It is alleged that last weekend the four accused two dressed in full army uniform each armed with an AK assault rifle and two dressed in Police uniform scaled over Shadreck Mbambo’s dura wall into his yard and forced entry into his house through the main door.

Whilst inside the house they introduced themselves as members of the Security forces on operation code name “No to illegal Mining.” The accused persons then accused the miner of possessing gold and threatened to arrest him. Due to fear, the complainant gave in and gave the accused persons USD100. The accused persons then left the scene driving a Toyota Noah registration number unknown.

It is alleged again that, on the same night the same accused persons approached Sifelani Nyoni a registered miner operating Xmas Mine in Hopefountain area at his house. The accused persons did the same and were given 40USD.

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Fidelity Gold Refinery (FGR) logo

It was discovered that Mutswiti and Mutori are currently stationed at ZRP Tshabalala Bulawayo on Joint Covid-19operations with the Police. Chivanga is a civilian and a husband to the accused Sibanda who is an officer stationed at ZRP Nkulumane, Bulawayo (Victim Friendly Unit).

Sibanda currently on the run.

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