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Tag: Albert Maipisi

The country’s biggest platinum group metal (PGM) producer, Zimplats, reported a 16% decrease in its gold production for the half-year ended 31 December 2024, producing 14,587 ounces compared to 17,424 ounces during the same period in...
Huo Investments (Pvt) Limited has deepened its commitment to Zimbabwe’s Muchesu coal project, reinforcing confidence in the mine’s long-term potential. Contango Holdings Plc confirmed that an entity controlled by a director of Huo Investments has acquired...

The three that matter, connive and collide

Different concerns continue to be raised on the nature of corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate social investment (CSI) practices in Zimbabwe.By Edmond Mkaratigwa...

Demystifying community entitlement of Mining proceeds in Zimbabwe

There is a general challenge in Zimbabwe regarding the relationship between some mining companies and communities in which they are situated.By Edmond Mkaratigwa (MBA...

Sustainability challenges in disused mines: The way forward

Zimbabwe among other African countries has its economic mainstay in agriculture and mining. The existence of mines has created a mining community of citizens...

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