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Tag: Sophia Takuva

The country’s biggest platinum group metal (PGM) producer, Zimplats, reported a 16% decrease in its gold production for the half-year ended 31 December 2024, producing 14,587 ounces compared to 17,424 ounces during the same period in...
Huo Investments (Pvt) Limited has deepened its commitment to Zimbabwe’s Muchesu coal project, reinforcing confidence in the mine’s long-term potential. Contango Holdings Plc confirmed that an entity controlled by a director of Huo Investments has acquired...

Gazette chrome prices, establish chrome hubs, MMCZ told

As the government is working on supporting the domestic ferrochrome industry, there is a need to gazette a pricing structure and establish chrome hubs...

AWOMETrust encourages women to invest in Mining

African Women In Mining Empowerment Trust (AWOMETrust) has encouraged women to not only seek employment in the small-scale and artisanal mining sector (ASM) but...

Supporting ASM enables gvt to capture revenue

Taking an initiative to support artisanal and small-scale mining’s growth and development will enable the government to capture the revenues and tax from ASM...

INTERVIEW: Sophia Takuva not just the beauty but brains and hard work

Sophia Takuva not just the beauty but brains and hard work.When one hears the term small-scale mining the first thing that comes up is...

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