Three teens in machete murder dragnet

machete gang

A 24-year-old artisanal miner died on the spot after being brutally speared, axed, and hacked with machetes multiple times, in a suspected gang war in Kwekwe last Friday.

Police have arrested six artisanal miners including three teenagers following the gruesome murder of Edson Jephias of Redcliff town.

Gold turf wars at surrounding mines are believed to be behind the bloody clash.

The police have launched a manhunt for seven other suspects who fled from the scene after the horrific killing.

Midlands provincial police spokesperson Inspector Joel Goko confirmed receiving the report but referred this publication to the national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi for more details.

“Yes, I can confirm that we have arrested six accused people in connection with this murder and seven are still at large. We are appealing to members of the public who might have information that might lead to the arrest of the seven accused persons to approach their nearby police station so that we arrest them,” he said.

Asst Comm Nyathi was not available for comment.

Jephias, police sources said, was allegedly drinking beer in Kwekwe at a local bar with 14 members of his gang when one Tatenda arrived in his brother’s vehicle and reported that the car had been stoned by members of a rival gang known as the Grigambas which the accused persons belong to.

Jephias and his crew allegedly teamed up and went to seek revenge against the Grigambas resulting in the two gangs fighting with dangerous weapons.

The source said Jephias died after being stabbed with spears, cut up with machetes, and axed leading during the fight.

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“Arrested were Cabinet Kamurai (17), Cephas Mansami (16), brothers Tafadzwa (26), and Obey Nhenga (27), Tobias Ncube (21) and Imidza Wasarira (16) all from Gokwe South,” said the source.

“The police have launched a manhunt for the other seven members of the Grigambas gang who fled from the scene.”


The Chronicle

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