Disgruntled former Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Mashonaland Central youth chairperson Blessing Togarepi has castigated the issuance of EPOs in areas where there is gold and called the Minister of Mines and Mining Development Hon Winston Chitando a traitor who is selling out the ruling party through granting exploration companies Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) which he said are causing national panic.
Through verified various audios messages circulating on social media, the vocal 31-year-old said that the youth were not happy with EPOs because they are causing chaos and the act by the Minister to continuously grant EPOs is a matter of State security.
Togarepi said that the issuance of EPOs by the Ministry of Mines is a way of de-campaigning the President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa because people are not happy with EPOs to the extent that chiefs and other 10 ministers in the government were dissatisfied with the issue of EPOs.
Togarepi also claims to have talked to the officers of the Zimbabwe National Army and State security who showed dissatisfaction with the EPOs.
“We need our country to develop, I talked to the chiefs they are not happy. They said they support President Mnangagwa, he is the one who gave Chitando the position but they are not sure if Chitando is making such decisions to sabotage Mnangagwa. Chitando must know his decisions anochekeresa musangano. The Minister must make proper decisions because I as Togarepi am going around everywhere to Chiefs, Army, MPs conscientising them and they are surprised by the state of things and are not happy.
“We know there are other minerals in the ground other than gold those are the ones that are supposed to be under EPOs than to shut down areas where there is gold.
“I’m moving around talking to everyone, the MPs and Chiefs about the dangers of EPOs and they are shocked by the state of our country as a result of the so-called EPOs and are very happy I have enlightened them.”
“Minister Chitando was appointed by the President, he should do things that please the people, the Minister must act” said Togarepi in part.
The Honorable Minister did not respond even though he is in the same WhatsApp group were Togarepi was castigating him and his continual granting of EPOs.
Also in the group is Political firebrand MP Temba Mliswa and several other officials.
However, one miner interviewed by Mining Zimbabwe said that Togarepi was biased against EPOs because they are taking him out of business.
EPOs have ignited serious debate in the Zimbabwe Mining Industry and the Mines Ministry may need to engage miners in roadshows or Indabas to inform miners what the EPOs benefit the country and why they may be good for the country as the animosity between some of the smallscale miners and the Ministry grows. Deputy Minister of Mines Hon Polite Kambamura is on record reiterating the government is busy implementing the use it or lose it policy on the speculative holding of claims/ EPOs.