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Use it or lose it Mash central warned


Government to soon evoke section 400 of the Mines and Minerals Act.

The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development will soon evoke section 400 of the Mines and Minerals Act which compels owners of closed mines to either give valid reasons why they are not mining or to surrender their mining rights to Government, Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development Polite Kambamura said.

He told delegates attending the Mazowe Rural District Council’s investment conference and expo at Mazowe Hotel yesterday that several companies are holding on to claims for speculative purposes and  Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando will soon implement the use it or loss it policy

“Soon the Minister of Mines and Mining Development will issue a statement on the use it of loss it policy. There are several companies and organisation who own several claims that have been idle for years, they keep paying inspection fees,” said Dep Min Kambamura.

“Zimbabwe is open for business and we need to open the resource to our investors. We need to see production at those claims.

“The companies that are not doing anything on their claims will be called to come forward and explain why they are not mining or give us their mining plans within the shortest possible timelines failure of which they will be asked to surrender their mining title to the Government.

“As you are aware all mining rights are vested in the President of the country. The ministry is also coming up with a cadastral system to computerise mining title.

‘‘There has been a lot of issues with regards to the manual system which is subject to abuse by some people and the ministry is well aware of that.”

Dep Min Kambamura added that despite Mazowe district having over 40 minerals, it has a number of mines that are lying idle while some have closed and these need to be revived in line with the Transitional Stabilisation Programme.

“Mashonaland Central has the potential to become one of the big contributors to the economy.

‘‘We need to open all close mine and new ones, to valuate and beneficiate our minerals before export,” he said.

“Iron Duke Mine which mined pyrites is closed, Jumbo Mine is under care and maintenance since 2017, Early Worm Mine, which mined limestone and Christmas Mine is also closed.”

Mazowe RDC chief executive Mr Liberty Mufandaedza said there were vast opportunities in Mazowe in the mining, agriculture, real estate, tourism and industrial development sectors.

“Mazowe is the gateway to Mash Central with a population of around 250 000. Gold, platinum, chrome, lime granite are among 42 minerals found in Mazowe and we want to enter into partnerships with artisanal miners and other interested investors to exploit these,” he said.

“We are promoting the ease of doing business and we are processing application letter within six working days.

‘‘We have incentives for investors and we are open to investment along the lines of build operate and transfer.”

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