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Waste management at the mines


Mining activities have considerably increased due to notable population growth and worldwide demand for mineral resources.

This increase coincides with a new awareness in which environmental concerns have become a growing challenge for all of the agents within the sector. Several types of waste are generated in the mine with only a few standing out with the largest volume, namely: waste rock, tailings and mine water.

As these are not valuable to the owners of the mine, they may be inappropriately disposed of into the environment, posing a severe threat to therein, particularly affecting both surface and groundwater quality. Most mine waste-related environmental degradation is associated with the leaching of contaminants from overburden dumps and acid mine drainage.

Zimbabwe is associated with a larger number of small scale miners compared to large scale miners. As a result, one will find out that the methods of disposal used are harmful to the environment. Proper waste management can promote the sustainability of nature and the environment. Mine owners are encouraged to consider investing in new sustainable mining methods that minimize waste outputs. It is also important that they be educated or rather enlightened on some of the consequences of poor mining practices.

A clear and direct way of enlightening the miners is to train them and help them acquire skills of handling their waste. Training has proven to be the best way to enhance skills, to this end, BOSHi Safety Africa offers Waste management training and support for the related initiatives.

About BOSHi Safety Africa (BSA)

BOSHi Safety Africa (BSA) is a subsidiary of KEGAN Corporation. Its focus is the Distribution of Solutions that Identify and Protect People, Products and Places. Our Products help Customers increase Safety, Security, Productivity and Performance.

You can visit Boshi Safety Africa at Unit 1 Mallis Court Glenroy Crescent, Glenroy Shopping Centre ZW Harare, Zimbabwe

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