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Why Is Iron Ore Vietnam’s Treasure?


Vietnam’s energy development level has started late and has developed rapidly, providing significant opportunities for the development of the oil and gas industry, as well as the mining and processing technology and service industries.

The distribution of iron ore resources in Vietnam is mainly in the northern region. According to the iron ore plan approved by the Vietnamese government, the annual iron ore mining volume in Vietnam will increase to 9 million tons by 2010, from 14 million to 15 million tons from 2011 to 2015, and from 2016 to 2020. The volume increased to 15 million to 16 million tons.

Iron ore is an important raw material for iron and steel production enterprises. Natural ore (iron ore) is gradually selected from iron through procedures such as crushing, grinding, magnetic separation, flotation, and re-selection. % 0A% 0A Any ore containing economically available iron is called iron ore. There are many types of iron ore. Magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (Fe2O3) and siderite (FeCO3) are mainly used for ironmaking.


The grade of% 0A% 0A iron ore refers to the mass fraction of iron element in iron ore. In general,% 0A% 0A means iron content. For example, the grade of iron ore is 62, which means that the mass fraction of iron is 62% 25% 0A% 0A. For hematite (the main component is Fe2O3), the theoretical highest grade is 70% 25% 0A% 0A For magnetite (the main component is Fe3O4), the theoretical maximum grade is 72.4% 25% 0A% 0A For siderite (main component is FeCO3), the theoretical maximum grade is 48.3% 25% 0A% 0A for limonite (mainly The composition is Fe2O3.H2O). The theoretical maximum grade is 62.9% 25% 0A% 0A. Iron ore is an important raw material for iron and steel production enterprises. Generally, iron ore below 50% and 25 grade needs to be processed to be smelted.


The higher requirements of the iron and steel industry for iron concentrates have brought new challenges to ore dressing workers. Therefore, there is a deeper development requirement for the metallurgical mine beneficiation technology, which is followed by the further improvement of beneficiation equipment. % 0A% 0A beneficiation process should be as efficient and simple as possible, such as grasping the development of energy-saving equipment, and using the most suitable process to achieve the best results. In the ore dressing plant, the equipment investment, production cost, electrical energy consumption and steel consumption of the crushing and grinding operations often account for the largest proportion. Therefore, the calculation and selection of the crushing and grinding equipment and the management of the operation are good or bad. Determines the economic benefits of the ore dressing plant.

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