Without Chinese help, Zim will be without electricity, internet

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Ferrochrome producer Afrochine Smelting (Pvt) Ltd, has dismissed the Civil Society Statement on Chinese investment as racially motivated while agreeing with the Chinese statement that mocked the government of Zimbabwe for being inept.

Rudairo Mapuranga

The Chinese owned chrome miner said it has been following the country’s laws and is involved in many Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). However, the miner said it agrees 100 per cent with a statement released by the Chinese Embassy which mocks the government of being incompetent without the help of the Chinese.

“We agree fully with the statement by the Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe dismissing coordinated, racist attacks on some investors in Zimbabwe. On our part as good corporate citizens, we observe existing laws and regulations and care for our communities and friends.” Afrochine said.

According to the statement released by the Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe, without Chinese help, Zimbabwe will be without electricity and internet.

“Were it not for China’s funding support and the work of Chinese companies in ICT and power generation, even the statement in question would perhaps have to be scribbled on a piece of paper, in a candle-lit room, and never find its way on a functioning internet,” said Chinese diplomats in a statement.

In their statement, the civil society groups expressed concern over electricity Chinese business operations saying that the Chinese were very dubious in the way they do business in Zimbabwe.

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“We, the Zimbabwe Civil Society groups, united in our common objective of defending our communities and national heritage against investment projects that disempower and impoverish our people, seek to register our deep concern with the behaviour of Chinese business operations in Zimbabwe. Our joint statement is not meant to defame China or trigger xenophobic resentment towards Chinese nationals in Zimbabwe. On the contrary, we seek fair and mutually beneficial relations between the two countries. We have however noted with deep concern the threats of displacements and mining projects in ecologically sensitive places around the country without any due regard for the concerns of the local people.

“Zimbabwe is a country endowed with vast natural resources in the minerals, flora and fauna categories. These resources have the potential to reduce poverty, improve human security and help achieve President Mnangagwa’s target of an upper-middle-income economy by 2030 if managed properly.

“Sadly, the abundance of natural resources has become the major cause for poverty, inequality, human rights abuses, environmental crimes and transnational organized crime that are prejudicing the country of billions of dollars annually and this has been going on for decades.

“Regarding the growing resentment towards Chinese investments in Zimbabwe, it is important to highlight that for the past 15 or so years, China has been the dominant player in Zimbabwe’s minerals sector, which saw Chinese small scale and large-scale miners getting deep into rural communities to start mining operations.” They said.

The civil society groups also said,” If China respects and loves Africa as it purports, then the primary sign is to place ordinary citizens at the centre of development.”

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