ZANU PF warns against invasion and grabbing of mines


Zimbabwe’s ruling party has warned its members against the illegal invasion and grabbing of mines.

Tinoda Machakaire, the Zanu-PF youth league leader and Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport, Art, and Recreation, stressed that such actions are against the party’s ethos.

“I know as youths we want to be involved in mining, we want to have mines. We don’t condone lawlessness, we don’t want to hear that you have illegally grabbed or invaded mines,” Machakaire said.

Machakaire said President Mnangagwa encouraged youth facing challenges in registering mines to seek assistance as the party will not support lawlessness.

“The President has said when you are having challenges in properly registering mines you must seek assistance. Zanu-PF is not going to condone lawlessness. The party is not in support of youths who will illegally grab mines. The party is not in support of the youths who are going to use machetes to grab or invade mines. We want law and order to prevail. The President has warned such malcontents,” he said.

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He spoke out against the violence in the mining claims, caused by gangs wielding machetes, which has been terrorising small-scale miners and communities across the country. Machakaire added that if there were difficulties registering mines, solutions should be sought legally and not through violent means.


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