In an endeavour to ensure mine workers have tailor-made affordable insurance services ranging from their and their family’s health, retirement, and bereavement needs, the Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Mineral Workers Union (ZDAMWU) has partnered with Old Mutual and First Mutual to create affordable insurance covers.
Rudairo Mapuranga
Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe, ZDAMWU General Secretary Mr Justice Chinhema said after realising that most mine workers have no medical cover, or funeral cover and the majority failing to contribute towards pensions, his organization decided to Old Mutual and First Mutual because there are the biggest insurance companies in Zimbabwe having capacity to meet the demand of mine workers under ZDAMWU.
“We are the champions – having realized that most mine workers have no funeral cover, medical cover and the majority have not been contributing towards pension, we as the union formed to advance the interests of mine workers felt we need to go an extra mile towards bringing the necessary services to our members at very very compressed rates.
“We are responding to what our members have been asking for a very long time.
“Old Mutual and FML are the Biggest insurance companies in Zimbabwe and have capacity to meet the demand from our members,” Chinhema said.
Chinhema said the partnerships between ZDAMWU, Old Mutual and First Mutual came after a long engagement proving that ZDAMWU has mine workers at heart.
“We are just demonstrating that we are way far from those we compete with in worker representation.
“Mine workers need to be taken care of while working and be able the save for the future.
“This has come after long long engagements and we believe the services are the best for our members and we shall improve them as we go,” the ZDAMWU General Secretary said.
About Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Mineral Workers Union (ZDAMWU)
Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Mineral Workers Union (ZDAMWU) is a registered trade union in terms of Section 33 of the Labour Act Chapter 28.01 with the mandate to represent the interests and rights of mine workers. The trade union was initially registered in 2015 to represent the interests of Diamond Industry workers. After the consolidation of mines mining Diamonds, the union variated its scope to cover the whole mining Industry in 2017.