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Zim expects to export energy by 2024


Zimbabwe expects to start  producing sufficient electricity for domestic use and surplus for export  by 2024 through the exploitation of its huge and untapped Coal Bed  Methane (CBM) deposits as well as investment in new thermal power  stations, a Cabinet Minister has said.

Zimbabwe has one of the highest measured CBM resources in Southern  Africa and is believed to be sitting on an estimated 765 billion cubic  metres in the Hwange/Lupane basins.

In early 2012, Mozambique discovered CBM in areas that border  Zimbabwe’s Manicaland province into which it is believed the gas also  flows.

Coal bed methane offers a cleaner alternative source of power compared  to coal and the scope is even greater for its exploitation considering  that Zimbabwe is battling a severe power crisis through over-reliance on  hydro power which is affected by seasonal rainfall.

It can also be converted into diesel, petrol, ethanol, fertilizers,  aviation fuel and other products including specialist lubricants and  waxes.

Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando said the country  expected to generate electricity from CBM within the next two years  while five investors, including Afrochine, Jinan and Karo Resources were  also at various stages of setting up thermal power stations.

“Government is intensifying the drive for the extraction of coal bed  methane into the production of electricity as well as other household  and industrial uses. The development of CBM and oil deposits will be  sped up and the first CBM electricity power station should be  operational by 2021 at a capacity of 200 megawatts,” he said.

“At the moment there is work in progress on the establishment of over 2000 megawatts from new coal and CBM projects by 2023. The major  objective is that Zimbabwe should be exporting electricity by 2024, the  objective is that Zimbabwe should be fuel self-sufficient by 2030.”

Chitando said a CBM- Oil strategy would be unveiled mid next year to  give impetus to the growth of the energy sector.

In terms of oil production from CBM, he said two projects were in the  pipe-line.

“As for two of the projects, one has come up with a bankable  feasibility study which demonstrates the capacity to produce 600 million  litres of diesel. The other is a pre-bankable feasibility study of 400  million litres. So from CBM alone, Zimbabwe has the opportunity to  produce over a billion litres, let alone the other initiatives from  oil,” he said.

Analysts contend that CBM exploitation presents an opportunity for  Zimbabwe to lessen its dependence on imported petroleum and electricity  while also providing an alternative means to produce cleaner energy from  coal. – New Ziana


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