17.7 C

Zimbabwe, Russia sign 6 mining MoUs



RUSSIAN mining companies look set to get access to the massive platinum and asbestos resources in Zimbabwe following moves between the two governments to conclude half a dozen bilateral agreements.

In a post-Cabinet briefing, Foreign Affairs minister Sibusiso Moyo yesterday said he had recently met the Russian minister of Natural Resources and Environment where the two agreed to ensure that six memoranda of understanding between the two countries be concluded.

“Agreement to conclude the following six memoranda of understanding (MoU) before end of 2019: Mutual protection of classified information, co-operation in the field of geological exploration and mineral resource management; co-operation in platinum group metals, co-operation in the field of diamond exploration and mining and co-operation in the field of energy,” the Cabinet decision matrix statement read.

Six Russian companies, according to Cabinet, have already expressed interest in Zimbabwe’s minerals and the agreements will open up scope for them to start exploration.

Information minister Monica Mutsvangwa told journalists that under the economic, trade and industrial co-operation, there were agreements for the Russian companies to support transport system in the country.

“Russian companies offered to supply civilian passenger and training aircraft, KAMAZ trucks of different ranges, rail freight wagons, agricultural and power engineering equipment and waste-to-energy plants,” she said.

Source : NewsDay

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