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Zimplats hailed for beyond-the-skin initiatives


The country’s biggest platinum group metals (PGM) producer Zimplats has been hailed for its initiative to donate creams, lip balms and sprayers to people with albinism.

Rudairo Mapuranga

Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe at the Zimplats exhibition stand at the Harare Agricultural Show on Tuesday, Bridget Chirenje a person with albinism said Zimplats should continue with its endeavour to ensure discrimination of people with albinism is at a minimum.

“We are thankful because of Zimplats and other organisations working with Zimplats. We are very grateful for some of us, buying these creams is a testimony because they are expensive to us. So encourage Zimplats to continue with this initiative as it will help many people,” Chirenje.

Portia Chiadzimu speaking to this publication said she was honoured to receive the cream donations from Zimplats and urged the mining giant to continue with its endeavour to help the albinism community.

“We are happy because Zimplats has donated skin creams, we urge them to continue doing this to ensure that our skin is protected so that we will not be discriminated in the communities that we come from,” Chiadzimu said.

Zimplats has an annual distribution of 20,000 sunscreens and lip balms to communities in Harare, Bulawayo, Matabeleland North, Mashonaland West, Masvingo and Mutare as part of the community albinism project.

Zimplats has been calling for the country to stand together and stop stigmatisation and discrimination against people with albinism.

“It’s time for us to stand together as a community and say no to stigmatisation and discrimination of people with albinism,” reads Zimplats motto.


Albinism is a rare group of genetic disorders that causes the skin, hair, or eyes to have little or no colour. Albinism is also associated with vision problems. In so many African countries, people with albinism are misunderstood and mistreated because of their skin colour.


  • A defect in one of several genes that produce or distribute melanin.
  • The defect may result in the absence of melanin production or a reduced amount of melanin production.
  • The defective gene passes down from both parents to the child.


  • An absence of colour in the hair, skin or eyes
  • Lighter than normal colouring of the hair, skin or eyes
  • Patches of skin that have an absence of colour.



They are the results of inbreeding or incest, that is, breed from closely related people, especially over many generations.


Albinism is an inherited disorder. It is inherited as a recessive gene from both parents. As with all recessive conditions, the chances of two people carrying the same recessive gene increase if the two have recent common ancestors. Therefore, while albinism is not necessarily a result of incest, marriage between close relatives can increase the chances of a child being born with albinism. Therefore, having children with a relative is highly discouraged. The body of people living with Albinism has little or no ability to produce the colour of the skin, hair and eyes. This colour is called “melanin”.


People with albinism are sterile.


This is not true. Persons with albinism are fertile and can have children.


People with albinism cannot see during the day but see well at night.


People with albinism have eyesight problems due to a lack of ‘melanin’ pigmentation in the retina. They can see during the day and also at night, but they may either be short or long-sighted and may need sight aids.


Albinism is contagious.


Albinism is a genetic condition passed on by both parents. Each parent must be a carrier, and both must pass on an albinism gene for someone to be born with the condition. It cannot be caught and is not contagious.

People with albinism tend to have more developmental difficulties. True, but only because of vision problems and social pressures. When you can’t read the blackboard or you’re ostracized from society and can’t go to a normal school, you often fall behind academically. This will affect their grades thereby reducing their chances of being employed and opportunities for societal integration.


Albinism is a punishment or a curse from the gods or ancestral spirits due to wrongs done in the family.


Albinism is a genetic condition that is passed on from parents to children. Many people are carriers of this recessive gene. Albinism is not a curse.


A person with albinism cannot have regularly pigmented children.


A person with albinism can give birth to regularly pigmented children if his/her partner is not a carrier of a similar recessive gene for albinism. The children may be carriers of the recessive gene but it will not be expressed in them.


People with albinism are not intelligent.


This is not true. Persons with albinism are intelligent and also perform well academically like other normally pigmented people. There are teachers, lawyers, politicians and musicians who are living with albinism.


The mother slept with a white man.


Children born with albinism may look ‘white’ due to absent or reduced pigmentation but are not products of cross-race sexual relationships.


People with albinism cannot go outside during the day.


People with albinism can go outside at any time but need to take extra precautions when out in the sun. Protective clothing, sunscreen and a hat are required all year round to minimize the risk of skin damage from the sun.

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