ZMF General Council secretary Mokuele warned!!

Philimon Mokoele

Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) General Council secretary Philmon Mokuele has been served with a notice to desist from sharing denigrating, disparaging and offensive messages against suspended ZMF President Ms. Henrietta Rushwaya on WhatsApp and other platforms.

The letter served by DM Mthombeni legal Practicioners is in possession of this publication states that some of Mokuele’s utterances are outrightly false, malicious, defamatory and deliberate misrepresentations meant to tarnish Rushwaya’s image.

“Client further advises that some of your utterances are outright false, malicious, defamatory and deliberate misrepresentations which are meant to especially tarnish the image of our client,” the letter reads.

Mokuele has since the arrest of Rushwaya been on a personal offensive attacking the suspended ZMF President. He once came up with unsubstantiated allegations of abuse of funds an allegation dismissed by the ZMF general council  Chairman Makumba Nyenje after investigations. ZMF insiders have accused Mokuele of acting childishly and pushing his Presidental aspirations too hard that instead of focusing his energy on what he can do for the association he is focused on the downfall of Rushwaya.

Mokuele’s recent utterances torched a storm and women on the WhatsApp general council group threatened to demonstrate.

“Only dull and foolish men attack women. That’s being chauvinistic, stop it. We will demonstrate against this behaviour if you continue with this kind of behaviour. STOP. Unoona murume chidhakwa achingoponda mukadzi asingamudzoreri mazuva ese achitadza kurovana nevamwe varume. Kumining Industry No and NO,” read another comment from the group.

Some in the group were perplexed that Mokuele continued his talk on Rushwaya when it was agreed Rushwaya was not to be discussed in the group.

“Thought we will not discuss anything about madam Rushwaya on this platform,” read another comment.

Another member cautioned that Rushwaya was procedurally suspended, any discussions of the general council group about her was an act of invasion of privacy that had legal implications.

“Maybe Phil you can elaborate on how we can benefit from such information…. In any case, who are we as general council to start interfering in her (Rushwaya) private affairs,” another said.

See Also

ZMF is temporarily being lead by Mr Marufu Sithole after Rushwaya was arrested then subsequently released on bail. Rushwaya’s suspension has since created commotion in the country’s biggest mining association with leaders eying for the top post.

Efforts to get in touch with Mokuele have been unfruitful and he has not been responding to messages sent to him by this publication.




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