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ZMF requests a meeting with Chinese Embassy officials


Zimbabwe’s largest mining body the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) has requested a meeting with the Chinese Embassy officials.

In a statement, the ZMF requested the meeting to address issues concerning the ill-treatment of local workers at Chinese owned local mining operations.

The ZMF statement reads as below:

“Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Executive and Management Board has received numerous complaints from the artisanal and small-scale miners alleging ill-treatment and harassment at most Chinese mining operations in the country.

Recently a report has come in of a shooting incident in Gweru at Reden Mine where a Chinese National shot and wounded two of his employees over salary/wage dispute.

In view of the above, we write kindly requesting to have a meeting with you on the 1st of July 2020 at your Embassy and see how best we can amicably resolve without conflict, issues and concerns raised by Zimbabwean Nationals employed at Chinese mining firms”.

This follows a shooting and injury of a mine worker by a Chinese employer Zhang Xuelin (41) of Reeden mine in Gweru. Xuelin has been remanded in custody to July 07th, 2020.

Chinese business community in Gweru today visited the family of Kennedy Tachiona who was shot three times in the legs by a manager at Reden Gold Mine in a pay dispute. Mine owners pledged compensation and also met Chief Gambiza of Chiwundura.

There is general discontent with the treatment of locals working at Chinese-owned mines in the country. More and more miners are calling for strict laws in monitoring Chinese-owned mines and also barring them from conducting Small-scale mining.

Chinese mine owners are commonly accused of ill-treating workers, not providing protective clothing or suitable accommodation.

Recently a ZELA report revealed that several Chinese-owned mining companies in Zimbabwe were reportedly not fully providing their employees with personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect them from COVID-19.

ZELA had prepared to file an urgent Court Chamber Application seeking an order compelling Chinese owed Zimberly Investment Hwange to provide workers with adequate safety, health, and sanitation facilities.

Zimbabwe Miners Federation is the brainchild of the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development whose birth was marked to represent and contribute to the development and growth of small-scale miners.

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