Prominent Media personality Zororo Makamba became Zimbabwe’s first casuality of Coronavirus also known as COVID-19. Zororo was one of the two reported by the Minister of Health and Child Welfare Mr. Obedia Moyo to have positively tested for the virus. He was 30.
Popularly known for his eye-opening “State of the Nation with Zororo Makamba” the Media sensation touched on current affairs in the country which earned him respect in his own right.
He was the Director and Co-Founder of Eleven Dogs, a digital media and broadcasting company. He previously worked as a Public Relations Executive at Telecel Zimbabwe as News & Broadcasting Assistant at United Talent Agency in New York. Makamba was also known for hosting several radio shows on ZiFM Stereo which include Impact and the Telecel Chit Chat show. Makamba was also a judge, alongside business mogul Philip Chiyangwa, on a Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation television programme called My Own Boss.
Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Monica Mutsvangwa expressed sadness at the passing of Zororo Makamba.
Below is her full statement
I have received the news of the passing on of Zororo Makamba with great shock, extreme sadness and deep sense of shock. He is a victim of the worldwide pandemic that is Covid-19.
As the Minister of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services, I constantly and continuously worked with Zororo on his much-watched and greatly appreciated State of the Nation program on Zimbabwe Television.
He was a young intelligent and dynamic man that infused talent and passion for his work with intense patriotic pride. He always exuded that confidence in the face of daunting challenges. He communicated with promise and hope in the economic prospects of his beloved Zimbabwe.
I extend my sincere condolences to the Makamba family as well as to relatives and friends of Zororo Makamba.
Zororo will be sorely missed! MHSRIIP
As we mourn him the whole nation should take the threat of COVID 1 very seriously. Let’s all follow due medical precautions as announced by the Ministry of Health and by the World Health Organization.
Monica Mutsvangwa
Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services.