Philimon Mokuele elected Matsouth chairman

Philimon Mokuele

Philimon Mokuele has been elected Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) Matebeleland South committee Chairperson.

Mokuele will be deputised by Bhekisiwe Mkandla after beating Nkululeko Moyo in the elections held today at 09:00hrs at Inn-hall, Esigodini.

Mokuele was listed as one of the exemplary small-scale miners of 2020.

Mokoele has been pivotal and vocal when it comes to small scale mining growth and development.

He has been encouraging small scale miners to grow from small scale mining to medium scale and has been leading by example at his mine by creating both vertical and inclined shafts at his mine with steel and concrete headgears. The headgear supports wheel mechanisms for suspending winding cables that transport workers and ore up and down deep level shafts.

Mokoele also called for the government to educate miners on issues of Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) and has also called on the Ministry of Mines to include small scale miners in terms of budget allocation to help speed the growth and development of small-scale mining to medium scale.

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He has well known for encouraging small scale miners to improve from artisanal operations to imitating large scale mines like Blanket Mine in Gwanda. He has also spearheaded the rescue of tens of miners trapped underground after shaft collapses in his province.

Meanwhile, Jane Lusinga was elected Matebeleland North committee Chairperson.

Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) provincial elections continue tomorrow in Midlands (Barta shoe club) and Masvingo (Roger Howman hall).

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