Afrochine pursues better health standards for its workforce

Health well being

Afrochine, Zimbabwe’s largest chrome smelting operation, is in pursuit of maintaining superior health standards for all its staff.

Shantel Chisango

Last week, the company embarked on medical examinations on all of its employees at Selous, where two medical doctors and X-ray personnel were stationed.

The endeavour followed the company’s vaccination campaign, in which employees and their families were inoculated against illnesses.

Afrochine said the company’s goal is not to be the best only in the market, but also in aspects to do with the community, health, safety, and quality.

“We strive to be leaders not just in industry but also in community, health, safety and quality,” said Afrochine in a statement.

Afrochine Smelting (Pvt) Ltd was established in 2012 and is a subsidiary of China’s second-biggest stainless steel products manufacturer Tsingshan Group.

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uranium ore

The company is currently setting up a state of the art ferrochrome smelting plant in Selous.

Afrochine Smelting P/L accomplished the construction of 2 x 16.5MVA smelters with a capacity to produce 50,000 metric tons of ferrochrome per year, as the first phase of the project.

These smelters are being constructed in Selous, which is located about 80km from the capital Harare. The total investment on the first phase is in the region of USD 25 million. The project will consume 120,000 metric tons of chrome ore and 24,000 metric tons of coke per year.

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