Careen Madzore: Geology Technician to Business Dev Manager

Careen Madzore

Careen Madzore, began her career as a Geology Technician at Unki Mines in 2010, gradually advancing within the company’s Mineral Resources department before eventually relocating to South Africa where she now works as a Business Development Manager. Over the past three years, Careen held numerous management positions in Mining Business Development, both locally and internationally.

Mining Zimbabwe had a one-on-one interview with the Madzore and this is how it went.

Can you please tell me about yourself and how you ended up in your position (Mine Vision Systems)?

My name is Careen Madzore. I am employed by Mine Vision Systems as a Business Development Manager for Africa. I hold a Diploma in Mining Geology, Bachelor’s degree in Geology, a Certificate in Strata Control, a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management and a Blasting licence. I am currently busy with my MBA.

I started my career at Unki Mines in 2010 as a Geology Technician. I held several positions within the Unki Mine Mineral Resources department before relocating to South Africa. Over the past 3 years, I held several management positions in Mining Business Development locally and internationally.

What does your company do and how has been business for the past 5 years?

Mine Vision Systems is a United States-based company which focuses on bringing vision-related technology and software algorithms to the mining industry. Mine Vision Systems is a pioneer in the underground 3D mapping space. The company aims to provide products and services which improve efficiency, safety, production and automation in mining through unmatched data collection and workflow. Mine Vision Systems invented the FaceCapture™ mapping system which utilizes world-class software to help acquire data for better and faster decisions. The FaceCapture™ mapping systems can be utilized in any underground mine.  Over the past 5 years, the company has been involved in a lot of research and design of better FaceCapture™mapping systems. The company has delivered more than 100 units worldwide.

What does it entail to be a Business Development Manager at Mine Vision Systems? 

As a Business Development manager, my role is to develop a strategy and roadmap for the sustainable growth of Mine Vision Systems in Africa by developing a network of contacts in the Mining Industry. I am also acting as an onsite technical expert working with existing customers to help them get the most out of the FaceCapture ™mapping system.

What is your strategy for future growth? 

Mine Vision System’s strategy is to grow the market share by developing new products to serve the mining industry. The company is also diversifying and developing in new markets. The goal is to have our FaceCapture™mapping system utilised in all the underground mines.

How have you responded to the increased regional competition?

Innovation- our product is innovative, unique and cost-effective which gives Mine Vision System a competitive advantage over competitors.

Do you see countries such as Zimbabwe becoming your major priorities for growth as a company? 

Zimbabwe is my priority, the mines are open to new technologies and innovative products. 60% of my sales come from Zimbabwe. The mining industry in Zimbabwe is expanding and the need for products and services is increasing.

See Also
AMMZ at a technical visit at Pickstone Peerless Mine in Chegutu

You recently attended the Zimbabwe National Institute of Rock Engineering (ZINIRE) Annual General Meeting, what were the takeaways from the event? 

I was very impressed with the turnout of the Rock Engineering practitioners, almost all mines were represented. Rock Engineering is something which was lagging behind in the industry for long, through ZINIRE all mines are beginning to realise the importance of this event. As a supplier, I had an opportunity to meet my industry colleagues and showcase my company’s products and services.

Zimbabwe will host various mining events during the last quarter of 2023 like the Mine Entra, will your company be part of the gatherings? 

This is a good opportunity to showcase Mine Vision System products and services. Attending this event will allow me to network with my target clients, generate leads, attract new customers and build a good relationship with my customers.

As a woman, what advice can you give to young women who would want to be like you in future?

Own the decisions you make and own your career. If there’s something you want to do or an opportunity you want to take, go for it. Mining has nothing to do with gender. If you work hard you will excel. Through hard work, I rose from a mere technician to a continent representative. It’s a long and sometimes frustrating path, but keep on believing and developing yourself.

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