Rushwaya’s victory best for the younger generation

Henrietta Rushwaya

Henrietta Rushwaya’s recent victory over the Zvishavane-Mberengwa Mining Association (ZMMA) will likely see the next President of the Federation being a younger person as currently a young crop of leaders deputise her and are making huge strides in the ASM Industry.

Staff reporter

Her ascension to the ZMF Presidency has seen the rise of a younger generation with likes of Dosman Mangisi, Masango Mahlahla and many others who are currently in their early forties.

Rushwaya has allowed this generation to express themselves as we frequently see fair coverage of them in the Media and we have seen a far much improved ZMF in terms of engagement and mobilisation.

Traditionally Zimbabwe has seen key positions occupied by the older generation and the move to have a much younger generation will propel the Mining Industry to greater heights. Having a younger person at the helm will most likely see fresher ideas being implemented and a sense of ownership like the previous administration (Chinhu ndechedu) being less likely.

This will see the mining sector remaining in safe hands with a new crop of miners who have shown massive passion to move the mining sector forward.  With their input and given a chance the mining sector is set to become bigger and better.



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