DISPUTES: EPO holder attempts to evict mining title holder

DISPUTES EPO holder attempts to evict license holder

A week ago we had a visit from representatives of the company that applied for an EPO in the Midlands area. So it happens that our Claim falls under the confines of this EPO which was apparently applied for in 2006.

We applied for registration of our claims in 2015 and our application was approved and the Ministry of Mines issued us with all the certificates, up to now our inspection certificates are always up to date.

We have done everything in terms of compliance in our operations, ie

  • Commissioning of the plant
  • EMA
  • Site of Works
  • Registration with Fidelity
  • Monthly Returns up to date
  • Geo surveys & evaluation
  • Plant development & shafts development done and some in-progress
  • We are small scale
  • I am a full ZMF card-carrying member

Now the issue at hand is that the EPO applicant says we are conducting illegal mining in “his” area. He wants us evicted and is threatening stop operations!

Fellow Miners, I need advice on this, is this legal or how do I handle this issue going forward before I do something that will cost me everything I had invested?

See Also
Polite Kambamura deputy Minister Mines and Mining Development

Your input is mostly welcome & appreciated.


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