Hwange Colliery employee tests positive for Covid-19

Shutdown coronavirus

A Hwange Colliery Company Limited employee tested positive for Covid-19. The coal miner spokeswoman Rugare Chikede Dhobbie confirmed the development and released the press statement below:-

Hwange Colliery Company Limited wishes to advise stakeholders that it has recorded its first COVID-19 case, an underground employee.

He is clinically stable and is self-isolating at home. Our Rapid Response Team is monitoring the employee following national guidelines.

As per Ministry of Health and Child Care guidance the company is also implementing contact tracing to facilitate the identification of individuals who might have been exposed to the affected employee. HCCL is also implementing measures on disinfection and testing.

This decision was taken in compliance with section 6 of the Statutory instrument 174 of 2020, public health (COVID-19) Prevention, Containment and Treatment (National Lockdown) (Amendment ) Order, 2020 (No. 14).

The well-being of all staff is our primary concern. For this reason, going forward all staff with remote work capabilities are expected to work from home. Only critical staff will physically report for duty. As the situation evolves stakeholders will be updated via the usual communication platforms.

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As HCCL, zero harm continues to be our mantra: We eat, live and breathe safety in all our operations. Proudly providing so much more than just coal.

Meanwhile, a circular making rounds on social media alleges two employees at Metalon gold’s How Mine tested positive for Covid-19. However, bizarrely, listed numbers on the flyer refused to confirm the development as has other mining companies that have workers testing positive.

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