Kuvimba grants ZMF a tribute on it’s Sandawana claims

Kuvimba has granted the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) permission to control the area and ensure mining is done responsibly.

Following the invasion of Kuvimba Mining House‘s Sandawana claims by Artisanal miners from across the country who were illegally mining lithium from the area and selling the stolen lithium to mostly Chinese buyers, Kuvimba has granted the Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) permission to control the area and ensure mining is done responsibly.

Rudairo Mapuranga

More than 5000 illegal miners flooded the area to plunder the lithium resource without authorization from the mine owners let alone even attempting to engage them in any way.

Following the invasion, the situation became overwhelming for Kuvimba to fully guard its mining claims from invasion leading to the miner engaging ZMF to control the situation while utilizing the resource responsibly.

In a letter written to ZMF by Kuvimba (which we are in possession of), indeed ZMF has been tributed to mine in the area.

The ZMF Media department released a Press Statement further confirming the position:

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“We are pleased to confirm that ZMF has been accorded an opportunity of a lifetime by Kuvimba Mining House to lease their Sandawana Claims in Mberengwa. We take this opportunity to applaud our ZMF President for adhering to our Head of State’s mantra of ensuring that no one is left behind. Kuvimba has set precedence regarding the empowerment of the local communities where mineral resources are abundant. We also wish to promise Kuvimba Holdings that we shall work in accordance with the dictates of the mines and minerals act and the  Tribute Agreement,” reads the letter in part.

It has been reported that on Wednesday the Joint Operation Command (JOC) visited Sandawana to access the situation on the ground. The JOC team met with ZMF and Kuvimba officials. JOC was led by Minister of State for Midlands Province Hon Larry Mavima and were informed that operations will commence once registration of miners has been done and toilet and water facilities installed.

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