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Mine workers demand a minimum US$600 salary


Mine workers are demanding a salary increment of US$600 for low-grade workers which will be paid in 100 per cent forex, Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Mine Workers Union (ZDAMWU) General Secretary Mr Justice Chinhema has said.

Rudairo Mapuranga

Speaking to Mining Zimbabwe Chinhema said workers have become demotivated to work due to the low wages they are receiving from mining firms.

He said this situation was likely going to increase Mine accidents in big Mines as the workers have become demoralized and under too much emotional pressure caused by the lack of basic commodities.

“Life is now very hard for the working class, Mine workers included and we are challenging mining companies to come to the rescue of their workers.

“With the running away of the exchange rate against the USD. The RTGS component has become useless and the workers’ salary is losing its buying power.

We now demand a salary review across the sector to USD600.00 paid 100% without the useless RTGS.

“Mining communities are in rural districts and big supermarkets are not found there who normally accept the RTGS using their black market exchange rate.

“A good employer is one who remembers their workers during difficult times. Ignoring this call at mine level might cause a decrease in production. Workers are demotivated due to the slave wage they are earning now. We are also likely to see an increase in mine accidents due to workers pressure mentally,” he said.

Chinhema’s call has come after his organisation released a statement recently demanding salary increments at Chinese owned Bikita Minerals and Anjin Investments.

Below is a statement released by the workers union.

“We want to appreciate the management of Bikita Minerals and Anjin Investments for agreeing to increase the basic minimum wage for their workers with USD100. Taking the minimum wage of the lowest paid employee of these companies to USD450.

This did not come easily but pushing by their union ZDAMWU and threat to job action.

“What we would want to say Today is that – mine workers demand a living wage of USD600.00 minimum paid 100% USD. We will not rest until we achieve this target at the 2 mines and across all mines in Zimbabwe.

Anjin Investments is a diamond mining company that must pay its workers commensurate to the value of diamonds. Other diamond companies namely ZCDC and Murowa are paying better and we want Anjin to follow suit and we shall not rest until the welfare of our members at Anjin are improved , Including working conditions, accomodation , PPE and food. We want also to remind the management that dialogue is important not threats . Management must allow workers to air their grievances and they must lesson and do every step to address the issues.

“As of Bikita Minerals – we also shall be pushing until we get to $600.00. They have capacity to pay.

Works Council bargaining is permissible at law and we shall use that platform to win

We want to thank all those who supported us during the negotiations. We shall continue pushing for more”.

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