Police diver feared dead after diving into a shaft

ZRP Divers

An expert police diver is feared dead after a botched attempt to retrieve submerged water pumps from Freda Rebecca Gold Mine in Bindura.

Takesure Dube, 40, of Chikurubi Camp staff quarters, is suspected to have drowned after he was contracted by one Douglas Simon of Shamva and his colleague Possum Tendai Mapuranga to do the work.

He is currently being treated as a missing person.

According to a police internal memo, Dube was first approached early April 2023 seeking his services to retrieve 2 x 30 and 3 x 15 horsepower submersible pumps which were submerged in a German shaft at Phoenix Prince Mine, Bindura.

Phoenix Prince Mine, Bindura, is on mining lease number 21 incorporating Freda Rebecca Gold Mine, Bindura claims.

No mining operations are being carried out at the moment.

On 24 April 2023, Dube, who is on vacation leave, was accompanied by the informant, Wellington Alick who is on sick leave after sustaining a broken ankle.

The two later met Simon and Mapuranga who both led them to the mine.

“Upon arrival at the shaft, the missing person clad in a diver’s suit, entered into the shaft for familiarisation and came out sighting that he no longer had sufficient oxygen reserves.

“Same confirmed that the pumps existed in the shaft but were stuck in the mud,” reads part of the memo.

On 30 April 2023, Dube and his colleague again returned to Bindura where they met Simon and Mapuranga again.

The team proceeded to Phoenix Prince Mine, Bindura.

At around 10 pm, Dube, clad in a diving suit with a reserve oxygen tank, went into the shaft leaving the other three behind.

That was the last time he was seen as he never returned.

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“At about 0200 hours, the informant gauging the time spent by the missing person with the oxygen supply he had taken underground with the knowledge he had, concluded that something wrong might have happened in the operation they were carrying out,” further reads the memo.

The informant filed a report at ZRP Bindura Central.

The scene was attended by CID MFFU Bindura, ZRP Bindura Central, Sub-Aqua Unit Chikurubi, Freda Rebecca Gold Mine represented by the Mine Rescue Team Manager, Anselm Mapako and Ministry of Mines Mashonaland Central represented by Inspector of Mines, Alison  Chishanu.

The Sub-Aqua team dived in to search for their colleague but failed to find him.

The search operation continues.

Source: ZimLive

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