16.6 C

ZDAMWU demands a national minimum wage, urges workers to reject anything lower


The Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) through it’s General Council received a report back on the recent Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF) outcomes and processes where the Union General Secretary was part too.

1. Noted that working people of Zimbabwe have suffered immensely as wages have failed to keep pace with the inflationary trends.
2. The situation has worsened rendering it practically impossible for workers across all sectors to earn the current salaries and sustain their families or be able to go to work.

3. Reaffirmed its position for Mining Industry to use retention ratio of 55:45% as the best salary structure that benefits not only the employer but workers as well. alternative,
4. Ratified labour’s negotiating team’s position of a minimum wage of ZWL$ 3 800.00 -ZWL$4500.00 as proposed by the government and agreed by labor as relief measure while the government stabilises the currency within six months.
5. The minimum wage has to be implemented through the promulgation of a Statutory Instrument under the country’s labor laws.
6. Failure of which workers of the Industry would not receive or accept any insulting wage from the employer but instead will pursue its earlier position of embarking on collective Job Action

ZDAMWU noted with disappointment that although the industry is receiving it’s share after selling Minerals in foreign currency US dollar and as well as interbank rate exchange rate, they continue to pay their workers slavery wages.

The Union noted with concern the high levels of accidents that have been happening across all mines big and small and urge the ministry of mines to act urgently on inspection and certifying mines.

7. Corruption in the country has reached unprecedented levels and the union resolved to join other progressive organisations in fighting this scourges bleeding the country by naming and shaming all forms of corruption happening at the workplace.

In the meantime, the union will be on the ground, as usual, educating its members and seek to have their views on the form of action to be taken if the demand is not met.

Justice Chinhema

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