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Zimbabwe blocks Diamond, Copper, Lithium, Nickel & REM applications


Zimbabwe has blocked Diamond, Copper, Lithium, Nickel & Rare Earth Mineral applications citing dishonesty by miners in declaring the discovery of different minerals from the ones they are registered for also, the five have been deemed strategic in the upcoming Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill.

In a letter addressed to the ten provincial Mining Directors, the secretary for Mines and Mining Development Mr Pfungwa Kunaka said the non-declaration has led to prejudice to the growth of the mining sector economy as in some instances high-value minerals are involved.

“This non-declaration has led to prejudice to the growth of the mining sector economy as in some instances high-value minerals are involved.

“Accordingly, you are hereby directed to ensure that on applications for inspection certificates, the applicants submit a declaration of the amount of work carried out as well as a declaration of minerals contained in the ore body being mined. This should be backed by an assay certificate issued by an approved laboratory.

Further, we have of late seen a flooding of applications for mining titles for minerals which have been deemed strategic in the upcoming Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill. It has thus become necessary that in the national interest, we temporarily stop acceptance and processing of applications for mining titles for the following minerals until further notice: diamonds, copper, lithium, nickel (and) rare earth minerals,” Kunaka said in a statement.

Zimbabwe seems to be on a path to block artisanal and small-scale miners from participating in certain sectors of mining.

While experts agree it goes a long way in the promotion of responsible mining it is more and more likely smaller players will resort to illegal mining which the government is struggling to contain with the country losing US$100 million each month, according to Home Affairs Minister Kazembe Kazembe. Experts have estimated the loss of revenue to be much higher.

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