Hope fades for trapped Shurugwi miners

Hwange dinde community

CHANCES of finding three trapped gold miners alive are now very slim, more than a week since a tunnel they were working in collapsed in Shurugwi.

The three have been trapped underground since last Sunday.

The Shurugwi District Civil Protection Unit on Friday stopped the search for the panners due to unstable ground.

Chief engineer in the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development Engineer Michael Munodawafa said they had regrouped to work on new strategies of working through the unstable ground.

“The rescue operation had been going on from Sunday to Friday before they reached an unstable ground level. It became dangerous for the rescue team to continue digging. So they are now attempting other ways or channels of reaching them,” he said.

Eng Munodawafa said chances of finding the trio alive were now very slim.

He said the three entered the mine while their four colleagues remained outside.

“At around 4am there was a huge sound as the ground collapsed. Entrance into the tunnel was closed and there hasn’t been any form of communication with the three since Sunday. The other four then looked for assistance,” said Eng Munodawafa.

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He said from January to date, 22 illegal miners have lost their lives when shafts and tunnels caved in countrywide.


The Chronicle

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