17.1 C

Shurugwi villagers obstruct mining progress


Shurugwi locals are becoming stumbling blocks for mining activities to bourgeon, as they are constantly engaged in skirmishes and blocking roads because of boundary issues, miners have said.

Mirirai Melissa Ngoya

The matron for Kwekwe women’s association Mrs P Zhou told Mining Zimbabwe that three days ago, there were three people from the community in which she operates in who were contestably hindering her mining activities by brewing disputes between her and ZIMASCO over boundary issues.

“There are three villagers who reported to ZIMASCO that we were working on extended boundaries, we called the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development and representatives from ZIMASCO discovered that we were operating within our mining consortium.”

Mrs Zhou indicated that after it had been transparent that they were operating in the allowed proximity of their mining area, the villagers went on to demand 150 USD from her.

“I was surprised that these people went on to demand some money in USD to allow us to use the road which passes through their fields. They barricaded the way with tree branches such that our trucks couldn’t pass through ’’ she said.

Mrs Zhou further commended the good works done by the police in making sure that she was safe.

“I called the police officer in charge for shurugwi and he told me that what they were doing was not permissible. The law authorities played their part, dispatching police officers to our mine to make sure that our operations are safe” said Mrs Zhou.

It is worth noting that the police are taking strides in controlling the villagers, making sure that they behave accordingly within the community.

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